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December 23, 2010The Elephant (and Donkey) in the Room

The recent elections, the debate over the expiration of the Bush tax cuts and myriad other factors have conspired to bring America’s economic future into sharp focus.

Notably absent from many of the discussions around debt is the issue of health care costs. And for the most part, both parties seem to be avoiding linking the two issues. Given the complexity of the situation (not to mention the political consequences involved) that’d hardly surprising. But, on the other hand, how can we have an honest discussion of our country’s spending without including a discussion of health care costs? Ignoring the elephant in the room resolves nothing.

But not everyone is ducking the issue. In this Roll Call article, Mort Kondrake highlights the work done by Alice Rivlin and Rep. Paul Ryan. Paul Ryan is a Republican Congressman from Wisconsin and Alice Rivlin was director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Clinton. As part of the health care subcommittee of the President’s Deficit Commission, they drew up plans to revamp Medicare and Medicaid in an attempt to lower government costs and increase patient choice.

When you have a moment, we’d urge you to read the full report. The issues addressed are at the crossroads of America’s fiscal future and ability to provide sustainable health care. Let us know what you think.

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