August 08, 2010 — The Watermelon Festival in Richmond, VA definitely showed us a good time! The street was packed with people as far as the eye could see! It took us about twenty minutes just to walk from one end to the other and take in the sights. Along the way we conducted a few interviews with people explaining how upset they were with the current healthcare bill. Almost everyone we talked to fully supported their state’s attorneys general and the suit filed against the federal government regarding the unconstitutionality of the current healthcare bill. They were thrilled their state government was showing how unconstitutional the health care bill is and hope they will be able to repeal and replace the health care reform bill. The local ABC affiliate station in Richmond picked up our story and we met with their reporter, Tracy, in the field. Afterwards, we interviewed two college students while the TV camera took their own video of our interview about their views to repeal and replace the health care reform bill. It was actually the best interview of the day with two friends having very contrasting views about the bill, but still able to talk about it and help bring about a dialogue. I think it’s critical in our pursuit of repealing and replacing the health care reform bill that everyone find out the facts behind the bill to form their opinion. -Chris