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July 14, 2010 — I will admit I was a bit nervous heading into our first event, The Republican Candidate Congressional Forum, in Sandown, New Hampshire. I wasn’t sure how’d we’d be received by anyone. Pulling up in the Mustang definitely brought a boost of confidence. I was very relieved when we were greeted by some of the people running it. They were very excited to hear about what we’re doing and we even got candidates to agree to be interviewed after the forum. Quickly we found out that many of the candidates had little experience in government and found it to be their responsibility to represent their district better than the incumbent. They were running to be the representative their district deserved rather than someone they felt only voted along party lines. The second question related to health care and the topic quickly dominated the debate. Every candidate touched upon a different aspect of why they didn’t agree with the bill and how it was either unconstitutional, didn’t represent the people, or how it would cost our country money it doesn’t have.
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